2023 Bellarmine Award
Kearns Professor 玛丽沃尔什, namesake of the Lynch School’s Center for Thriving Children, receives BC's Commencement faculty honor.
Whether it’s in the classroom or the research lab, on stage or on the playing field, amazing things happen at Boston College every day. We’re here to help you share them with the world. In the Office of University Communications, we turn faculty research into placements in traditional and social media, and student accomplishments into viral videos. Our comprehensive news coverage shines a light on every corner of campus, 我们的网络, design services, and marketing teams bring new programs and initiatives to life.
The Office of University Communications maintains the Boston College 事件 Calendar, a centralized resource useful for promoting campus lectures, 讨论, 音乐会, 研讨会, 表演, and other events organized through the University community.
To enter an event, BC community members can click “submit an event” on the BC events webpage and specify the event name, 描述, 位置, 和时间. Multiple filters such as event type and audience type can be added to sort the event. By selecting a web filter, events will automatically appear on the school, 部门, or office website for increased visibility.
How do we fix Social Security for vulnerable Americans? Munnell explains in the 《电子游戏正规平台》.
The nation must harness the potential of Hispanic Catholics or risk losing the future of the U.S. 教堂. 症结所在.com
A methane gas compressor station planned for Weymouth, Mass. could pose risks similar to those in Flint, MI 波士顿环球报
Should charitable giving laws be reformed? Madoff advocates for a bipartisan policy change to address the issue, on GBH "Greater Boston."
email newsletter distributions annually
print publications annually
social media audience
websites launched